May 23, 2017

Destiny 2 is the real deal that the original Destiny wanted to be

the traveller of destiny 2

I caught the the Destiny 2 gameplay trailer today and I pre-ordered the game straight moments after.

I have never ever pre-ordered a game after watching a trailer.

And that's truth.

But I was simply impressed by how comprehensive this game felt.

Destiny 2 appears to be the game that the original Destiny game so desperately wanted to be but took 2 years to be fully realised by the Bungie crew.

Check it out the game play video:

The lessons of Destiny  have been learned. Bungie has listened and honed their ideas. They came good with the last couple of rounds of DLC.

I'm firmly of the hopeful view Destiny 2 is going to be the real deal and that for the Holy love of Oprah Winfrey, this game will have compelling campaign!

Can't wait until the Beta!

Speaking of the Beta, if you pre-order the game on Amazon, you can get into the Beta early.

Game on Bungie, game on.

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