May 14, 2017

Is this the best ever Star Wars cosplay?

best ever star wars cosplay

Star Wars is a world that's just ripe for cosplay. There's your Bobba Fett freaks. There's your iconic Princess Leias wearing golden bikinis and we always appreciate a sexy storm trooper getting felt up by Darth Vader.  Your Star Wars fails are amusing enough and we really like it when the Jedi and Sith make their peace.

But this photo is the best Star Wars cosplay we've have ever seen. It's a beautiful homage to a beloved set of characters done with a mood of, this us, we're doing it like this and if you don't like it, go back to your cave, troll!

We love the R2D2 - it's like Jack Black as his own prom date. C3PO looks pretty grand and as for Han Solo, never have we seen her look so sexy...

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